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Anyone have or know where I can find the right GT carpet and rubber mat sets? I know the carpet is basically perlon and was hoping someone has either a replica or template for that. Would like to source the right rubber mats as well
I have not seen a source for these either.
I had a pair of rubber mats that came in an early car I got, but they had no german markings and were obviously hand cut. But they looked the part.
The mat I made for my GT was bulk purchased Mcmasters and cut to fit..
they have a close looking ribbed rubber matting.
Carpet ? my GT alfeady had carpet..
My cousin is a vp there. Will try that!

I found the GT rubber mat on Amazon, it looks perfect...
It really does!
I got this material from Home Depot in the carpet department several years ago . It was on display on a rack in big rolls. You can specify length. (This was rolled up in my cabinet, thus the curled material. It's about 20 degrees here in the north Chicago burbs). Sorry if pics post large...
Awesome that you have it cut out so nicely and to cover pedal board. You should make a template.
The material was wide enough that I took my original carpet mat as a template, laid it on the vinyl material, traced the outline and openings and cut it with scissors.
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